Protection of big magnets
Strong, but vulnerable: This protection provides a remedy
Online since: 27/06/2008,
Number of visits: 365324
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Huge magnet in aluminum casing
I have a S-45-30-N disc magnet, which is really awesome. Unfortunately, you have to be terribly careful it doesn't crash into things and get deformed.That's why I came up with the following: I glued it into a self-made aluminium box.
Apply UHU Plus Endfest generously, that works!
Note from the supermagnete team: Since 2015 we sell the adhesive UHU MAX REPAIR
If the disc magnet wants to "meet" steel beams or other magnets now, it's all good :-)
Disc magnet as a door opener
Here is a practical application where I glued a smaller disc magnet type S-20-10-N into a small aluminium box, which is connected to a chain and holds our (self-closing) door to the heating room open!Alternative: Huge magnet with wood cover
Our customer Christoph Müller from Switzerland had another idea for protecting strong magnets: He glued a COLOSSUS into a cover of very thin nutwood. The cover is treated with varnish. The attractive force of the magnet is still immense as you can see on a photo of one of his sculptures. You still have to expect scratches and dents on the wooden surface if the magnet is used heavily.Another option: Huge magnet in a bicycle inner tube
This practical application from a customer reached us via Instagram. He covered the DEATH MAGNET with two pieces of bicycle inner tubing to prevent it from chipping. This is a quick solution for a protective sleeve around the magnet that doesn't require glue. The tubing can be easily removed if necessary. We give this idea a thumbs up!
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