Make your own Halloween decorations
Scarily beautiful Halloween magnets made from yarn
Online since: 17/10/2023,
Number of visits: 21793
Welcome to the eerie world of Halloween crafting.
With just a few materials, you can make your own spooky decorative Halloween magnets that will scare and amaze your guests.
The small decorative yarn magnets in the shape of ghosts, pumpkins and spiders will look great on your fridge or your magnetic board in the office.
We will show you how to create these Halloween decorations so you too can turn your home into a haunted house.
Table of Contents
Making ghost magnets
Materials needed
- Yarn in different colours; white, orange and black for our pieces
- Chenille pipe cleaners in green and black
- Magnet glue, such as UHU MAX REPAIR
- Scissors
- Paper or tissues
- Googly eyes
- Self-adhesive disc magnets, e. g. type S-20-02-FOAM
- Sphere magnets, e.g. type K-06-C
Wind the yarn and tie it together
Wind the yarn; it’s easiest if you do it around the palm of your hand. Once you have wound enough yarn, cut the ends. The more yarn you wrap around your hand, the bigger your Halloween decoration will be.Now, carefully remove the yarn from your hand.
Pull a new piece of thread through the middle of your wound-up yarn and tie it on one side.
This completes the body of your ghost.
Cut the yarn and wrap the magnet
Next, slowly cut the yarn on the side that isn’t tied. Then set it aside for now.Wrap the sphere magnet, e.g.
type K-06-C,
in a tissue or paper.
This will hold the magnet better inside the yarn so that it doesn’t fall out.
Make sure you don’t use too much paper or else the adhesive force of the magnet will be reduced.
Once you have decided on the right amount of paper, secure it with adhesive tape.
Place the magnetic sphere in the yarn and tie it together
At the tied end, place the magnetic sphere in the middle of the yarn. Cover the sphere magnet well with yarn on all sides. The magnetic sphere should not be visible in your finished Halloween decoration.Next, with the magnet still inside, take a new piece of thread and loosely wrap it around the upper third of the yarn but don’t tie it yet.
This way you can still test whether the magnet is held securely by the yarn.
If it is, you can tie everything firmly together.
Cut the ends of the yarn as before.
Glue on the eyes
Lastly, glue the eyes onto your Halloween decoration. But first, you need to find out which side is the front of your ghost. Simply attach the ghost to a magnetic board or the refrigerator and see which side offers the strongest adhesion. Then glue the eyes to the opposite side.If necessary, give your ghost a haircut so that all the yarn at the bottom is approximately the same length.
To do so, simply trim the yarn where needed.
And with that, your ghost is done and you are ready to add some Halloween flair to your home.
Make sure you also try our other Halloween craft ideas and create a spidery friend or a little pumpkin to keep your ghost company.
Making pumpkin magnets
For the second version of our Halloween decorations, you also start by winding the yarn. But to achieve a nice pumpkin shape, wrap the yarn around three fingers. As before, cut the ends and carefully remove the yarn from your fingers. Tie the wound yarn tightly in the middle with a new piece of yarn.Cut and bend the green chenille pipe cleaner into shape for the stems.
Place them right in the middle of the tied yarn and secure them with the previous or a new piece of yarn.
As a last step, shape the yarn nicely and glue a disc magnet, e. g.
type S-20-02-FOAM,
to the bottom of the pumpkin.
Making spider magnets
The first thing you need to do is make a pompom out of the yarn. Start by winding the yarn around a fork. Then tie the wound yarn tightly together in the middle and take it off the fork. Now all you have to do is cut the yarn open on the side and gently tug it into shape to form a finished pompom.Next, glue a piece of paper or cardboard to the bottom of the Halloween decoration.
For the legs, bend the black chenille pipe cleaner into shape and glue it to the pompom.
To finish, glue the eyes and the magnet to the pompom.
Other craft ideas for Halloween decorations with magnets
Discover even more inspiration for home-made Halloween magnets:
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